Prof. Jiri Strouhal
Prof. Jiri Strouhal
Skoda Auto University Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic
标题: A New Education Scheme for Czech Professional Accountants
A certification of professional accountants will celebrate in October 2022 25th anniversary. It was historically established in 1997 and was fully in line with British ACCA professional scheme. As the professional education standards evolved, first major revision was realised since 2008 after ten years of running the initial scheme having three levels (assistant accountant, certified accountant and accounting expert). The newer scheme was simplified for two levels (certified accountant and accounting expert only) decreasing the number of exams from 15 to 13. The latest upgrade is in force since January 2022 bringing the latest decrease to 10 exams only.  

The new version focuses more on practical (rather than) theoretical skills of professional accountants in 21st century – that’s why majority of exams takes in account the digitization of the profession and a new ICT challenges. Six exams of basic level comprises from: (1) financial reporting, (2) corporate law, (3) taxation, (4) ICT, (5) management of SMEs, and (6) performance management. Four exams of expert level comprises from: (7) IFRS, (8) financial management, (9) strategic management and management accounting, (10) auditing.  
Jiri Strouhal is a Full Professor at Skoda Auto University Mlada Boleslav. He gained his Ph.D. degree within the field of financial reporting. His research interest covers (but is not limited to) financial reporting, financial statements analysis and valuation of financial securities. He is an author or co-author of more than 30 books for accounting and finance practitioners and students and co-author of around 70 Scopus papers and 20 WoS papers. He serves as a consultant for audit companies (derivatives reporting and valuation) and for Czech Statistical Office (consulting of financial statements). He earned the decree of "accounting expert" based on ACCA professional scheme in 2006. Currently he is a President of the Association of Czech Professional Accountants (ACPA).