Prof. Hannu Tenhunen
Prof. Hannu Tenhunen
Royal Institute of Technology
标题: Challenge Driven Education for Increasing Societal Relevance and Impact of Engineering Curricula
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering 1982, Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University), Finland, Ph.D. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1985, Docent (habilitation) at Tampere University of Technology 1993, 1998 Helsinki University of Technology, 2001 University of Turku. Associate professor 1988, Tampere University of Technology, Chair professor (fulmakt professor) 1992 at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Visiting professor, Cornell University, USA, Honorary Doctor (Dr.h.c.) Tallinn Technical University, Estonia, Honorary and advisory professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, and Beijing Jiatong University, China, Adjunct professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professeur Invite’, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France. Invited professor, University of Turku, Finland. Short term (5-year) distinguished lecturing professor, Fudan University, Shanghai. Research Fellow at TUCS/Åbo Akademi, and Nokia Fellow.