Dr. Amir Zaman
Dr. Amir Zaman
Abdul Wali khan university Mardan, Pakistan
Dr. Amir Zaman  is working in department of Education Abdul Wali khan university Mardan, Pakistan since 2012. He completed his PhD in 2011 and in the same years was awarded fellowship for Postdoc in Curtin University Australia by Australian Govt. under prestigious scheme of Endeavor award. He worked on innovative pedagogy called as dilemma pedagogy in teacher education during his postdoc research. He has published 64 journals papers and 23 conference papers. Besides he has supervised 8 PhD and 40 M.Phil scholars successfully. He has also organized five international conferences in Pakistan Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia. His active life in the field of educational research shows his caliber and is appreciated widely around the world. He has a vast experience in conference and has actively participated in different capacities like keynote speaker resource person and as organizer. We hope his fruitful contribution our conference.