Prof. Dr. Dwi Sulisworo
Prof. Dr. Dwi Sulisworo
Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia
标题: The study of technology acceptance, critical thinking skills, and learning motivation on the use of augmented reality for global warming issue at junior high school
Education is an exciting field for the application of augmented reality (AR) that can enhance immersion. This paper describes the analysis of the need for AR and the initial design of AR-based media in learning global warming for 8th-grade students. The needs analysis was conducted employing a focus group discussion with junior high school science teachers in Sikka Regency, Indonesia. Based on this FGD, teachers need AR to explain the phenomenon of global warming. The script in this AR provides an overview of ecosystem changes due to climate change. By using AR, students can discuss, observe, analyze these phenomena to improve their critical thinking skills. Teachers can use this AR as teaching material on different learning content related to global warming.

Keywords: augmented reality, climate change, global warming, critical thinking, science learning.
Dwi Sulisworo is Professor at Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia. He has expertise in educational technology. His current research is related to Augmented Reality, mobile technology, mobile learning, and STEM education. He has published many articles in national and international reputable journals or proceedings. He is very welcome for collaborative research and publication for broader network. His email is dwi.sulisworo@uad.ac.id